Business & Finance Economics

Imbalances Becoming Clearer

Even though recession seems like a bad thing, it definitely serves a purpose.
As we watch more and more news that hit the wire, it's amazing how long it's taking most of us to realise how much imbalance there has been, and continues to be.
Bank bailouts or any bailout is now becoming a bloody joke, and ultimately the money is being flushed away to save those who frankly don't need rescuing.
Most if not all of the people who were directly responsible for the mess that we have today will NOT be the people who will suffer from the mess they have caused.
They are indeed too wealthy to suffer.
Let's face facts.
It's never a great thing to watch a massive organisation go bust and we are all lead to believe that banks and other major conglomerates are too large to fail.
That's just BS.
That's the same thing as saying that VIPs of this world are all irreplaceable.
This is fact.
We are all lead to believe that certain people are irreplaceable, but yet the world does not stop if they suddenly disappear?? This links back to my previous post, where I was talking about how no one is above another, and we are ultimately all the same.
The world is very good at adapting and short term pain is always better than a dragged out process.
When all this bailout began, I can probably understand the first time there was a bailout.
After all, governments have to look like they are doing something as to not create mass-panic.
However, it didn't work and frankly no bailout will ever work.
If I put it in simple terms I doubt anyone will agree to a bailout, but unfortunately politicians never tell you the truth, but only what you need to know.
If I was severely in debt coz I went out and lived the high life and gambled for the past 5 years, would anyone pay off my debt?? The amusing thing is that the actual importance lies in the why.
We know that if I was careless and reckless enough to be in that much debt to begin with, most sensible people would agree that becoming bankrupt will probably be the best solution for me, as it will take the pain of bankruptcy for me to see the errors in my ways.
But instead, lets say that all my debt gets wiped clean.
Would anything change?? NO! The chances are that I would be back in debt in another 5 years.
We have to allow corrupt and toxic companies to go bankrupt and help the next emerging companies flourish.
But instead the governments around the world are too busy helping out their fellow buddies and helping them to remain rich rather than helping the very people who are in trouble due to this mess.
If governments are able to continuously write a blank cheque to the failing organisations around the world, they might as well be better off by giving 0% income tax to low-income households.
Job cuts will only be temporary as long as we help the next generation of companies who have done nothing wrong to be given incentives to flourish.
When there is an earthquake and buildings starts collapsing, there is nothing that we can do to stop it from falling, but what we should focus on is in building new buildings with stronger foundations and helping existing buildings that survived the earthquake, rather than trying to prop up demolished buildings.
Personally, I call that common sense.
But yet we currently live in a world where we give no help to financially sound companies whilst writing a blank cheque to companies that are "TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL".
This should make it easy for anyone to see that the government is not working for the people, but instead working for the large institutions and their shareholders.
After all, it's these big companies who has probably funded their campaign to gain power, so it's unlikely they will bite the hand that feeds them.
What is clear though is that the current plans that the governments are executing around the world will keep few people very wealthy whilst keeping the rest of the nation/world forever in debt.
This is one of the reasons why the wealthy will always get richer whilst the poor will forever become poorer.
I call that imbalance.

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