- Open your internet browser.
- You will have two options on how to get through one website: From your favorite search engine, you can directly type PROPERTY TITLE SEARCH, and from numerous suggestions, you can pick the link of one you think that is most suitable for your need or taste. Or you could directly type in the browser the website you are familiar.
- Speaking of options, you can either search for property title using. Name of the owner – all you have to do is to input first name, last name, city and state of the residence of that person. Search through the property address – fill out portions like house number, street name, street type, city and state
- In less than a minute or two, you will then be directed to a results page. Do not get startled once you see multiple results. Double check for the spelling. If you are using the name search, there is an age indicated beside the name – take note of that. Also, use the middle initial as your clue.
- To get the result, you will need to register and choose from one of the packages – it is rated depending on the contents of the search like: primary owner, property detail, mortgage records, house purchase and current value and more.
- After choosing a package, you will be asked to pay them you can do so thru credit cards, or PayPal.
- Wait for the results. Print them once available if you want.
Important tips in property title search:
- Read carefully
- Check spelling, address. Do not pay unless you are 100% sure on your data input.
- Feel free to ask adult supervision, or to check the FAQs pages when in doubt