- 1). Find the information that experts use. Financial ratios for liquidity, leveraging and bankruptcy are used by the experts to forecast the performance of companies under the radar. Calculate ratios independent of the experts by finding the information for free on sites like earnings.com. A database of financial information is housed on the site for the everyday investor to use.
- 2). Move in crowds with financial advisors and seasoned investors. Many financial advisors sponsor mixers with existing clients and new clients. Investor clubs are also a great place to meet with people who have some experience as an investor.
- 3). Visit sites like stockpickr.com. The Internet is full of sites with free stock information. For that reason, it may be appropriate to do some investigating before taking the plunge and following what may end up being some bad advice. If individuals are offering the advice, check their employment history and verify information about their background of possible. Some sites offer a track record of their picks. Review the trends for success and failure in stock picking.
- 4). Look for information on finance site message boards. Sites like yahoo finance offer message boards per company where anyone can post comments about the health of a company or stock. Often, company employees post relevant information about company operations that is useful is determining stock soundness. Remember that nobody is checking the veracity of these posts. Disgruntled employees may also use this tool as a way to get back at employers. Use this information wisely.
- 5). Watch financial and political television. Networks like CNBC and Bloomberg television are dedicated to offering information about company financial standing. They feature interviews with senior management and have financial pundits offer guidance on stocks. The Sunday morning political talk shows are also relevant for stock picks. Industries like energy and healthcare are highly regulated by the government. Political decisions often have economic ramifications that affect companies. Becoming versed in the political state of affairs is very useful is picking stocks.
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