Well, there is one big problem with striking at nerve centers..
Pressure Point Problems in Self Defense The bad guy comes at you.
You'd prefer to turn and escape, avoiding a conflict, but this time, for whatever reason, it just isn't possible.
You have to stay and defend yourself (or a loved one).
So, the hulk-like figure is approaching fast.
Will you strike for a pressure point? If you understand centerline theory, then go ahead and strike to a vital spot, as long as you are staying on centerline.
If you aren't so sure of your ability to direct your force to the pivotal center of your opponent, then I'd avoid pressure point strikes.
Pressure Points and Centerlines? Imagine a pole going right down through your body.
It starts at the top, center of your head and goes straight down through your torso to the floor.
This is the line that if you push against, your opponent can't easily pivot one way or the other.
Instead, the whole body moves back.
Are you with me? Then make sure that any pressure points that you strike allow you to strike directly, and I do mean directly, through that center pole.
Off-Center Nerve-Strike Problems If you strike off center, even towards a nerve, you create several possible problems:
* You become susceptible to fakes * As you strike, your body usually turns too far "chasing the target" * If you find yourself trying to strike these secondary targets, then you are probably missing some key (safer) targets * If you are filled with adrenaline, the chances of you precisely striking a nerve center on, say a wrist, decrease.Is It Ever OK to Strike Off Center fora Pressure Point or Nerve? The answer is yes, you can.
The obvious recommendation is to go ahead and strike off center if it won't endanger you to do so.
In my next article, I'll give you some specific instances where you "can" strike for a nerve or pressure point, whether the strike takes you off centerline or not.
These are specific instances, and unfortunately can't be generalized to all pressure-point strike techniques.