Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

The Environmentally Friendly Nokia N8

These days, people not only look for phones with the best features. They also look for phones that are environmentally friendly. This is exactly what the Nokia N8 has to offer. It comes with an assortment of features that will help in saving the environment and conserving energy.

Here are those environmental features:

Energy Efficiency

There are various features that make the phone energy-efficient. These features are a power save mode, an ambient light sensor, a reminder for unplugging the charger, and a compact travel charger. With these features, you are sure to conserve on energy.

Non-toxic Materials

There are many cutting edge phones available on the mobile market today. However, there are still a lot of them that are made from highly toxic and non-biodegradable materials. They may be good to use, but they are not friendly to the environment. The N8 is not made from such things. The phone is PVC-free, brominated compound-free, chlorinated compound-free, antimony trioxide-free. In addition, it is made from recyclable materials.

Recyclable Packaging

There are other phones that are friendly to the environment. However, they come with packaging that is not. Therefore, it will be useless getting these phones if they come with packaging the can cause harm to the environment. With the Nokia N8, its packaging is made from 100% renewable and 100% recyclable materials.

Eco Services

The phone is not only made of materials and packaging that is friendly to the environment. It also provides services and tips that you will find useful. You get eco wallpapers, maps that will optimize your travel route, and better pedestrian navigation. These services will help you conserve more.


Every component of the phone is recyclable. They can either be recovered as materials, or they can be recovered as energy. With the Nokia N8, you will always have a guilt-free conscience. This will allow you to use the phone even more.

Online User Guide

In the past, we have always made use of user guides that come with the packaging. Sadly, the pages on these guides are made from trees. For every piece of paper used on these manuals, trees diminish in our forests. With an online user guide, you never have to worry about losing our trees. This way, you ensure that the next generation will get to see another tree.

As you can see, everything about the phone does not harm the environment. This is the environmentally friendly Nokia N8.

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