Residual affiliate products are essential for building a long term back end income from your promotions. Information marketers have long been using affiliate products in backend promotions.
However, most people don't realize that spending the same amount of time and energy in promoting a residual affiliate program will make them much more money in the long run.
Residual affiliate income programs, like those for membership sites, are just as easy to promote but the rewards are much greater.
Here are five ways to locate residual income programs that you can promote as backend offers to your own product. Seeking these programs out will boost your bottom line and give you much longer term income than "one off" programs.
1.Visit a directory that caters specifically to residual income programs.
Directories definitely take a lot of the guesswork and time spent searching for affiliate programs that will make you money time and time again. There are residual affiliate program directories that list programs in various categories that you can easily browse through to find the right program for you.
2.Look for your keyword plus "membership forum."
Sometimes doing a simple internet search is the best way to find a program, especially if you know exactly what you are looking for and need a program that meets your specific requirements.
Membership forums are a great source of recurring affiliate income because most members stick around for six to eight months, and you earn commission during each of those months.
If you've already nailed down your niche doing a specific search for a membership forum can be the fastest way to start promoting a residual income program.
3.Ask around.
If you're a member of a marketing forum, chances are there are other members out there who are making money from residual income programs.
If you want to find a program for a specific niche, just ask. You'll probably get a lot of suggestions from people who are either using the residual income affiliate program themselves or just happen to have seen the program in their Internet travels.
Be sure to check the suggestions closely to be sure that the people aren't just promoting their own affiliate link for a two tier program or something sneaky like that. Before you sign up for an affiliate income program, do your due diligence.
4.Browse through general affiliate directories.
While this technique may take more time than the other suggestions, it's sometimes the best way to find exactly what you need. General affiliate directories may list their products as residual income programs but some may not.
Start browsing through your niche in the directory to review different programs. You may have to wade through a lot of one time programs in order to find a recurring program, but if it's a good recurring program than your search will be well worth it.
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