Health & Medical Anti Aging

How To Get The Waist You Want

Waist Management is an ever-present and constant challenge for most of us.
We know what we should do to manage this bodily feature, but let's face it, if everyone did as they know they should do, there'd be no Jenny Craig.
The good news about Waist Management, however, is that it is so easy; all you need is a piece of cord or string.
There are two main hassles associated with attempts at controlling weight.
The first of those is reliance on bathroom scales.
Researchers tell us that one of the most participated in daily events is standing on the bathroom scales.
This practice usually results in one of two common responses to the feedback provided.
  1. 'These scales must be broken', or
  2. 'According the height/weight ration, I should be 10 centimetres taller'.
The other hassle is letting yourself get hungry.
While controlled fasting has much to recommend it, when we let ourselves get hungry, we tend to overeat or eat stuff we know is not good for us - junk food, for example.
Effective Waist Management can happen like this.
  1. Select a piece of cord or string.
  2. Repeat the process every couple of weeks, mark your new spot, and (hopefully) measure the number of centimetres you've reduced since your previous measure.
  3. Store the cord somewhere where you can find it when you next want to waist-measure (probably two weeks).
  4. Mark the length measured with a pen, or something permanent.
  5. Use the selected cord or string to measure around you waist, gut, or other selected part.
Do this and, before too long, you'll have the waist you've always hoped for.
There are a few bits of positive psychology associated with this form of Waist Management.
  • Even though you've taken a measure and put the cord away till next time, your focus will remain reducing the next recording.
    You know what you must do so you do it.
  • You're in charge of your own destiny: your actions will make a difference.
    Your recording remains private.
  • The feedback will be positive.
    Even if the measure has increased, you will have proven to yourself that, by your actions, you can control your weight - including reducing it.
Waist Management of the type outlined here is ideal for those who enjoy the good things in life but need to watch what they eat.
To help your progress and continued success, use the mnemonic DIET - Do I Eat That.
A combination of desire, willpower, cord, and mnemonic will make waist management easy.

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