Many people give up on trying to grow a high quality green lawn because it all seems too hard. The weeds always seem to come through and spoil everything. Does this need to be the case? Not if you go about planting and maintaining a lawn the right way.
First of all you need to understand how grass and climate go together. If you plant the wrong grass for the wrong climate you will have real problems. There are two categories of grass you can choose to plant a lawn. One is for a cool season climate and the other for a warm season climate. Understand the climate you live in and choose the right one.
Next, consider the degree of wear and tear your lawn will be subjected to. Do you have children or pets and will you be parking a car or heavier vehicle such as a sports utility vehicle or van or truck on it? Or will the lawn be there purely for show without being subject to any real punishment?
The best grasses to choose from for cold climate season tolerance and durability and ability to tolerate traffic would be:
Creeping Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Canada Bluegrass.
The best grasses to choose from for hot climate season tolerance and durability and ability to tolerate traffic would be:
Tall Fescue, Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass.
Successful gardeners do not necessarily plant just one type of grass. In some cases, a mixture or blend of different grasses is the best way to grow a successful lawn.
Next you need to focus on appropriate watering of your lawn. If you live in a dry climate, an inbuilt watering system is really essential. While in a cooler moist climate or high rainfall tropical climate many gardeners rely on natural rainfall as being sufficient irrigation. In terms of efficiency of watering, an irrigation system is often the best value way of maintaining a good lawn.
Preventing excess growth of lawn thatch is the next thing to look out for. A healthy lawn should have a thatch. The thatch is the dead section between the green capping of lawn and the roots of the grass. If lawn thatch build-up exceeds half an inch it should be removed with a vertical mower. Excess thatch build-up can stop water getting to the roots of the lawn and cause insect pest problems with your lawn.
Fertilizer and controlling weeds must be used as part of the routine of growing a green lawn. Ask your local garden supply center for information on the best fertilizers for your type of lawn. Some fertilizers combine the process of fertilizing with weed control. If you are not comfortable using chemical fertilizers you may consider the alternative of compost which can be an effective option.
Finally, while many people are happy to use a [] standard rotary mower for regular mowing, ideally you should purchase a mulching mower for the best look and health of your lawn.
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