Category : Writing : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Your Book and Fact Checking

Nonfiction writers have long realized that they have a responsibility to their readers, to their own credibility and to history to check all the facts they repeat in their books. The challenge increases today due to the fast growth in our knowledge base and the quick changes in our technology. An in

Copywriting Prophecy Comes True

Not to get all weird on you... but I believe a new age of humanity (at least as far as copywriting goes) is being ushered in. A few smart people have "prophesied" of its coming.And some of those smart people have even been teaching about it.But most people are missing this.And, frankly, it

Book Marketing 101 - Setting up Author Events and Book Signings -- Get the Most from Book Publicity

Author Events are the primary vehicle for the self-published author to get out and meet the public, and they can be your ticket to both sales and increased publicity - all thanks to your local retail outlet. This article will be your quickstart guide to developing and setting up winning Author Event

How to Cite Religious Documents

Religious documents usually include refers to official church documents, such as a decree from the Vatican or a published minister's sermon. The Bible however is not considered a religious document, as it is a widely recognized source. Citing religious documents can be a bit tricky as the informatio