If you want to hear it from the horses mouth, article writing is a good way to earn extra income.
I should know, this is what I do for a living full time.
It is my form of self employment and it has grown from a way of earning additional stream of income to my way of life.
I started article writing because I want to start and online business and I wanted to do this part-time.
I wanted it for a reason, so that I had extra income, but also because I wanted to be able to feel secure if I lost my job.
So you know what happened, I lost my job.
I saw this as a sign and decided not to look for another job, now I have done this the hard way.
I did not have support from my partner, who insisted I go out and work for a boss again.
I refused, left my partner and ended the relationship, so it has been a struggle, bit it was what I wanted.
$500 a month can make a very big difference in anyone's life, particularly if you are still working at a full-time job.
This extra money can be put away to create other streams of income, saved for a rainy day, used to pay off debt or make all the difference if you are in fear of losing your home.
I took a huge risk, and I was single minded about it, I don't advocate that anyone go about article writing the way I did, although in the beginning I had the right idea.
I no longer wanted to look for a job with cell phone, where I was on call 24/7, no matter that it came with a car, health insurance, massive salary and loads of perks.
What I didn't have was freedom.
Personal freedom is very valuable, and only when I lost my job did I see how valuable this was to me.
I could write my own check but I had to work damn hard to do it and still took a huge loss in earnings.
It has taken me 18 months of hard struggle to earn my freedom and only now are my efforts paying off.
I am using my article writing as the basis of my income, and as a good way to earn extra income now.
This may not be the best way to earn extra income, but I know that it works.
I also know a lot of other article writers who will agree with me.
It works for me, and if it can work for me, it can work for you too.
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