Any person who is physically able can and should walk for good health, which in itself is walking smart. The first thing that you should do is get an O.K.
Millions of people treated for bone diseases such as osteoporosis may be at risk for developing a potentially serious jawbone condition that seems to be triggered by having teeth pulled.
Calcified tendinitis is a common misspelling of the term calcific tendinitis. Calcific tendinitis is a condition in which there is swelling, irritation and inflammation of a tendon. Tendons are the connective tissue that attach bone and muscle
After care and exercises for knee replacement are all concerned with speeding your recuperation process up and returning you to a functioning lifestyle. Knee replacements are major surgery and require diligent, consistent care and attention. Exercises must be done throughout the day, every day. They
Knee replacement may be recommended when a knee is damaged beyond repair by arthritis or injury. Typically, total knee replacement is performed only after medications, altered activity and walking supports have proven ineffective. Knee replacement surgery can restore motion and relieve pain. Since
According to information from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a pacemaker is a device that is implanted beneath the skin and discharges electrical impulses to maintain a normal heart rhythm in individuals whose hearts are unable to beat properly unassisted. While a pacemaker can serve
Hamstring injuries are common but especially affect athletes of many sports. A hamstring injury can heal without treatment if given enough time, but it is quite painful if left unattended, so most sufferers seek relief for the pain. Treatments for a hamstring injury are varied.
Some medical conditions result more from regular wear and tear than anything else; deteriorating disc disease is one such condition. It is most commonly caused by the regular wear and tear of discs in the spine, and there is little that can be done to prevent it. A doctor diagnoses the condition aft
The variety of motions the human shoulder is capable of is due to the ball and socket arrangement of this joint. The ball and socket joint allows for free rotation in all directions so we can swing our arms around and behind us to swim or throw a ball, raise our arms over our heads to do exercises,
'Flat feet', or 'fallen arches', describes a condition in which the arch of the foot has collapsed so that the entire sole of the foot lies flat against the ground. Self-diagnosis of flat feet is straightforward. You should be able to tell by looking at your feet if your arches h
The plantar fascia is a thick, ribbon-like structure that runs from the bottom aspect of the heel towards the bases of the toes. The plantar fascia is part of the structure that helps maintain the arch within the foot. Often the patient who has a tightness of the plantar fascia will subsequently dev
When suffering from a torn abdomen muscle, it is very important that you rest and take it easy. Talk to your doctor about your individual case and discuss your ability to begin an exercise regimen. It is important not to participate in any abdomen exercises when you can still feel pain in your torn
A certain amount of fluid surrounding the knee makes it work properly. But when a large amount of fluid accumulates around the knee, it can be the result of a trauma or underlying disease or condition.
Diffuse RSI is a repetitive strain injury in which there is pain but no physical evidence of an injury. Tendonitis is an inflammation of tendons in joints caused by overuse. Tendonitis can be a symptom of diffuse RSI, but unlike tendonitis, RSI pain is not limited to just tendons and joints. It ca
Tendonitis (or tendinitis) is a condition that will limit the shoulder's ability to turn, produce and work. It is a condition that if it aggravated severely or allowed to worsen could need surgery. However, an individual can do exercises that can help build up the muscles around the shoulder and lim
Degenerative disc disease is a medical condition in which the intervertebral discs of the spine begin to change and become inflexible. The discs are used as shock absorbers for the spine, so when the disc begins to harden, it can create inflammation, irritation and pain in the back and neck. While i