Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious joint and system disease, responsible for large amounts of functional disability, complications from the disease and some reduced life expectancy. Physiotherapy can h
Goji can reduce the toxic effect of Chemotherapy and Radiation. Goji was shown to enhance the effect of radiation in combating lung cancer, allowing a lower dose to be used. Other research indicates t
Overweight people are increasing day by day and the reason which contributes to this is that people prefer to eat junk food available in the market rather than eating homemade food and fruits and vege
Organization can implement opt in text messaging solutions and coupons with their loyal buyers. Prospects can add text, additional pics, and even videos. Mobile marketing and advertising will be the c
In the region around Hollywood, one seldom has trouble finding a pair of hands ready to perform plastic surgery. One might encounter difficulties if one is seeking the services of a neurosurgeon or a
The 21st Century is best characterized by the advent of ultra-modern technology, global commercial and business, and the unstoppable desire to get and stay ahead. Because of these factors, business co
Naturopathy is that branch of medicine that deals with the use of natural substances in treatment of various diseases. It is a Latin and a Greek term which means 'nature disease'. It is used
It's no secret that diabetes is a worldwide epidemic that annually claims the life of millions. As years go by, even more and more people are subjected to acquire the disease. It may be hered
If you are on a diet, you know one of the main things that are recommended for drinking is water. Why do we need water? Because one, it does not contain calories. Read on to find out more ...
The yogic diet that is an ideal sattvic diet helps to achieve emotional and spiritual balance, remain alert and energized all day long. The basis of yogic diet is ahimsa or non-violence as the yogis s
Diabetes mellitus 2 characterized by 'insulin resistance' as body cells do not respond appropriately when insulin is present thus it leads to a more complex problem than diabetes type 1
The best way to make sure you and your doctor understand each other is to use anatomically correct words. Having an easy rapport with the nurse or physician's assistant at your doctor's office can hel
Jack LaLanne left the planet the way we’d all like to – healthy and active to the end. Exercise is key; watch Ellen Wood’s video of Five Tibetan Rites http://
Good posture is a vital aspect to any quality exercise routine. Therefore if you have very poor posture, exercises that will help align your posture are a must. A lot of bodybuilding programs don't in
There are hundreds of different forms and types of cancer in the world today. Each form can be incredibly dangerous and also widespread. With millions of people being diagnosed every year, it can be a