Category : Parenting : Health & Medical

Donating Preemie Clothes

I know that after the birth of a preemie, you may have already spent months in the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and you are tired. You want nothing more than to just get back to real life and enjoy this precious little one that you have anguished over for months. But, can you give just a litt

Teach Your Children Well

Being a parent is the greatest journey one could ever take in her life. There are certain facts in life that we need to know when it comes to parenting: Parenting is a tough job; everyday is a learning process for both the parents and their children; and children usually have short attention spans.

Welcoming Your New Baby Girl

Impulse dictates that you begin buying infant stuff when you are expecting a child. Especially when it is a baby girl, most of the time you will choose the color pink. Although most cultures identify blue for boys and pink for girls, quite a few parents now would like to stay away from stereotypes.