Category : Healthy Living : Health & Medical

How to Ice a Shoulder

Whether you're an athlete or someone who lifts heavy items frequently, your shoulder tissue, joints and connecting tendons can strain easily. Icing your shoulder is an age-old practice that helps reduce inflammation and promotes circulation to the damaged muscles. If your shoulder is frequently sore

How to Get Rid of Mosquito Scars

A warm summer walk isn't complete without a few mosquito bites. You may not even notice the tiny insect drawing blood but moments later, your skin will swell and begin to itch. The itching sensation can be extreme and the urge to scratch difficult to resist. Too much scratching can break open the bu

How to Detox With a Multivitamin

According to, an online drugstore, the body is exposed to foreign chemicals every day. Fish is laced with mercury, red meat often contains antibiotics and hormones, the air is polluted and water contains impurities. These toxins build up. The Mayo Clinic's Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., st

How Beta Glucan Works

Beta GlucanBeta glucans are a group of fibrous sugar molecules. They come from the cell walls of oats, barley, mushrooms or yeast. The source of the beta glucan determines what type it is. The effects of each type are similar, though each is thought to have its own specific health...

How to Change a Toilet Seat Cover

We've all been in this situation. We visit a public restroom, often against our will, to perform a regular necessity. Whether it's a gas station bathroom or the facility at the mall, simply opening the door can evoke germ-filled mental images. Public restrooms harbor thousands of germs and opening a

Physical Therapy Goal Documentation

Physical therapy (PT) can be used to treat a variety of conditions, from broken limbs to neurological disorders like cerebral palsy and Parkinson's disease. A doctor will prescribe PT when she feels the patient would benefit. Physical therapy goal setting is typically done in a therapist's initial s