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Tips for Coping with Marriage Separation

Many reasons may contribute to a marriage separation, however the end result is often standard.  Wheter you are separated for marital difficulties, military service or career objectives, isolation and loneliness are challenging emotions that you will need to deal with. Frequently partners who find themselves separated because the marriage isn't going well, face additional challenges and hardships as they try to discover the best course of action: divorce or reconciliation. The time apart can be a little easier to bear when steps are taken to assist in coping with the marriage separation. 

Meeting Your Social Needs

You will have to find new ways to meet people particularly if your spouse has been your main form of socializing. Friends are a vital link to the outside world, especially if you are home caring for children much of the time. You are allowed to leave the kids with Grandma or a babysitter so you can spend some time with a good friend for a couple of hours one afternoon. It is an ideal time for you to talk through your feelings in dealing with the separation and seeking guidance for the challenges in front of you. 

Gain Perspective

For some couples, coping with marriage separation means allowing yourselves time to sit back and evaluate the relationship from a new perspective. Separtion can provide the necessary space to work through hurt feelings and prepare the couple for reconciliation, not necessarily for a divorce. Mending a broken relationship is increasingly difficult when living close to each other allows the individuals to continually bring each other down. If you are currently working through marital problems, take this separation period to do some soul searching and rethink the reason why you even got married. 

What to Do with the Children 

Children also have a difficult time dealing with a separation when one parent is abruptly absent. Whether the separation is a matter of choice or necessity, it is critical to talk with your kids about it. Spend time with your children, reassuring them that both parents still love them just as much. Occassionally, kids misunderstand the separation and think that if spouses can leave each other, parents may leave the children as well. Give your children the opportunity to tell you about their fears, and never stop reassuring them of your love and constant presence in their lives.

Often when couples are not living together, the struggles of the separtaion are overwhelming. Seek out the support of friends and spend time gaining a new perspective on your relationship, when coping with marriage separation. Remember, your children are also coping with marriage separation and will require your assistance. The way to a more positive result and an easier time coping with the searation is possible by following these steps.

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