Men: You Don't Have to Be "Big" to Satisfy a Woman
Current myth glorifies an extra large penis and endless athletic thrusting as the best way to bring on a woman's orgasm. Just look at current porno movies and websites for confirmation. TV commercials selling erectile dysfunction pills imply that a hard penis is all you need to delight a woman. They tap into our doubts about sexual adequacy. Try to understand it from a woman's point of view. Would she rather be filled up comfortably with the average length (about 6 inches) or rammed painfully with something much longer? Men, use your head and common sense! Even porn stars (both men and women) admit that size alone won't guarantee orgasm, pleasure, and satisfaction for women.
Women generally take a long time to reach orgasm, even if you know all the right moves. They generally require at least ten to twenty times longer than men who can usually reach orgasm in minutes. It is unusual, almost impossible, for both of you to reach orgasm at the same time. So don't worry about it. Help her reach orgasm first, and again and again, as many times as she can comfortably handle. Then you can work on having your own orgasm. She will love you for doing it this way, and it takes the pressure off both of you if she has her orgasm first.
Women can't help this. It occurs because of the way their genitals and ours fit together during intercourse. Our penis simply cannot touch, rub, and stimulate all of her sensory receptors that together bring on an orgasm.
Only a very few fortunate women can experience orgasm from a man's penis alone without other forms of stimulation. In fact, for most women, it is virtually impossible to reach orgasm merely by intercourse with a man's penis. Sorry guys, but that's the way it is. For references, google "percent of women experiencing orgasm", Kinsey Report, The Hite Report, Heiman & Lipiccolo, Spector & Carey, Pathways to Pleasure, Understanding the Female Orgasm.
The good news is that nearly all women can and will achieve orgasm with the help of clitoral and vaginal stimulation from a man's finger, tongue, or a vibrator, often coupled with stimulation of her breasts at the same time.
Therefore, to bring on a woman's orgasm, it is more important that a man be good at kissing, touching, stroking, licking, nibbling, and sucking, all of which women find incredibly stimulating, exciting, and satisfying, especially if the man is skilled at knowing just where and how to perform them, and at what pace or rhythm. He must know his woman's "hot" spots that are extra sensitive to stimulation. He must be skilled at using his hands, fingers and tongue to stimulate her to incredible orgasms. Use a vibrator for variety. You must have patience and perseverance, and you must keep trying different techniques to find which ones bring her to full orgasm. With this knowledge of the techniques that work, you will be able to give countless orgasms to women, regardless of your penis size.
Andrew Pace []
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