Powerful Blocking Strategy: Double Teaming
Football is all about strategy and fining, or making weak spots in your opponent. One such strategy or technique is the use of double teaming on the line of scrimmage. This play is simple, double up and push through. This technique is effective for punching a hole through the line and getting a running back through, or it also works great on a defensive blitz. Here are some pointers for this strategy: First, players need to step together, and second lock hips. They form a wall that the opponent cannot break. The double team should focus on the shoulders, and arm pits of the opponent to control dominance. Also, this maneuver needs to happen quickly and efficiently.
Football Catching Fundamentals
When a receiver catches the ball they need to immediately put it into a secure ball carrying position. There are three steps of a great catch: First, place your hands in front of you with your palms open and thumbs out forming an open triangle for the football. Second, follow the ball with your eyes from the first time you see it in the air until it is securely placed in a tight hold. Third, roll the ball into a secure ball position before you take your eyes off the ball. Many receivers can get into a bad habit of looking away from the ball before it is stored away properly. Taking your eye off the ball increases incomplete passes, fumbles, and turnovers. To overcome this habit set up a simple drill where two players pass the ball to each other stopping at each critical step: the catch, the follow through, and the tuck.
The High Toss Football Catch
Because not all throws are perfect you will need to practice making catches that are high or low. As such you need to practice the high passes so that you know to react, here are some basics: Make a diamond with their forefingers and thumbs. When you have your hands extended you are performing a proper catch, remember, and dont ever catch it with your body. Important to look the catch through and tuck it away. When you practice a high catch you are going to perform it subconsciously on the field, so remember extend the arms, catch and follow through.
No practice regime would be complete without lifting weights. Not only will it add muscle to your body and increase your strength, it will also help you to increase your maximum power. Maximum power should be the goal of your training, because it involves muscle strength and muscle excursion during play. It is the quickness and exertion that will enable a football player to accomplish their plays with skill on the field. As you continue in your weightlifting program, we highly recommend that you get a personal coach to push you in your goals, teach you proper techniques, and ensure that you are doing the right work for your position.
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