Business & Finance Social Media

Practical Social Marketing Tips - How to Use the LIFE Model of Social Media Communication

Social Media and Social Marketing provides such an excellent platform to build a strong online presence.
But do you know what the biggest question I get from beginning Social Marketers might be? Here it is: "So what do I put in there, what do I say?" In answer to that very frequently asked question I created the LIFE Model of Social Marketing Communication.
Let's take a closer look at this model and how to use it in your online or offline business.
The LIFE Model of Social Marketing Communication Links - There are two kinds of links that I most often use on Social Media platforms.
The first is a link to something I have found interesting or funny.
It might be someone else's article that I found useful or a video that got me laughing.
Sharing links that are not your own demonstrates that you are not just out to market to people, you are interested in joining in the conversation.
The second type of link you can use is one of your own links.
You can send someone to one of your videos on YouTube, invite someone to read one of your articles, or send them to an opt-in page to get more good information from you in exchange for their email address.
Information - Share information about your niche.
You can do it in 140 characters as a time on Twitter or in a longer Facebook Fan Page update.
You can create small samples of info from your own experience or include quotes from your article.
For example, one I often use is "an article a day keeps recession away.
" Include a link if you want and if you have room, but usually I just want to give out samples of good information that spread good will.
Fun - You don't have to be a serious marketer all the time.
In fact, it's better if you let some of your personality and life show.
Mention a movie you just saw and what you did or didn't like.
Share something fun you did that day.
Don't broadcast that you are going on vacation though - it's not wise to let the world know you are not going to be at home.
An example that comes to mind is how friend and colleague Paul Colligan will share what movie his daughters have picked for movie night.
Sometimes he is happy with the choice, sometimes he cringes.
It all makes him look like a real live approachable human being.
Events - Is there an online or offline event you are going to attend? Invite others.
Is there an online or offline event you are going to be hosting? You can leverage the Social Marketing platforms to invite others to your events.
I've filled up teleseminars using just Twitter and Facebook.

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