Health & Medical Women's Health

Menopause Warning - Synthetic and Bio-Identical Estrogens Fuel Cancers

In the spring, many seeds start to geminate.
Under a big maple tree, countless maple seedlings are sprouting; however, by the summer, most seedlings can not find the appropriate condition to grow, and only one or two survive under the tree.
Every day, due to genetic and environment factors, some cells out of the trillions in your body may turn into cancerous spontaneously.
These pre-cancer cells need certain conditions to survive, because the immune system of the body tries to kill them.
Although it is impossible to know how many pre-cancer cells are killed before they spread, it is sure that most of them are destroyed, because few patients carry two cancers in a lifetime.
As Rome was not built in one day, cancer is not developed in one day too.
How long has the cancer been in your body when you are diagnosed with cancer? It takes 100 days for the first cancer cell to become two cells, those two to become four, those four to become eight, and so on.
It takes 100 billion cancer cells to form a pea size of tumor.
That means that most cancers have been in our bodies for 10 years when they are detected.
During those ten years, cancer growth obeys no rule: some cancers grow faster, and some slower, and it is also possible that cancers grow in spurts, growing and then resting and then growing some more.
So, your life is in your own hands.
You can either fuel cancers by taking estrogen or inhibit cancers by taking cancer-protective diet.
Estrogen was listed as one of the most potent chemical carcinogens in a biology textbook (Levine & Miller, 1994).
Since your own estrogen can cause cancers, of course, estrogens taken externally as drugs will have a cancer-causing effect.
Cancer cells are dividing constantly without the normal controls.
No matter synthetic or bio-identical estrogen, the basic function in the body is the same: to promote cell division, particularly in hormone-sensitive tissues such as the breast and the uterus.
No wonder many women experience breast swelling and uterine bleeding side effects from hormone treatments for menopause.
Therefore, synthetic and bio-identical estrogens are chemical fertilizers to cancers.
They stimulate cell division, promote cancerous cell to grow and wake up some resting cancerous cells.
Fortunately, compounds in plants, such as herbs, vegetables and fruits, can bolster our defenses and fight cancers.
Fruits and vegetables have strong cancer-protective ability.
One of the strongest cancer-protective compounds is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) in green tea, which shows impressive activity against many kinds of cancer.
Other compounds are red and purple pigments found in many plants.
They give color to berries, red grapes, plums, cherries, red cabbage and eggplant.
Since you encounter pre-cancerous risks everyday, it is the task of a lifetime to prevent cancers.
Absolutely avoid using synthetic and bio-identical estrogens to nurture pre-cancerous cells.
Absolutely avoid using synthetic and bio-identical estrogens to mask menopause symptoms.
Keep the earth green; Keep your body system green.

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