Cleaning wooden kitchen table is always very challenging.
Firstly, because a kitchen table suffers heavy traffic everyday, without any gap.
Secondly, because the scratches on a wooden kitchen table are very much different as compared to scratches / stains on a glass table.
It is easy to wash over the glass and wipe away all the dirt and stains but it becomes a little different when it comes to a wooden kitchen table.
Most of the people do no pay attention to regular cleaning of kitchen tables once they are spoiled.
Here is a simple way to wipe all the stains off your kitchen table and give it a glowing new look.
Cleaning a Wooden Kitchen Table o Clean the surface of your wooden table with a dry rug and make sure you clean all the dirt and food residues off the surface.
o Take a walnut and use the part of it which you eat, to scrub into the channels of the scratches.
o Keep rubbing it until the particular spots is warmed.
When it becomes warm, the chances for surface to absorb more oil will increase, which is going to be beneficial for you.
o When you are done, compare the rest of the surface with the spot where you worked upon.
If there is a color difference, color it with a crayon.
And rub to blend it in.
o After that, scrub the area with a clean dry cloth and repeat the process if required.
o An alternate for this furniture touch-up kit.
It is used for repairing purposes and it also is very effective.
Once all these steps are followed, you will see for yourself a great change in the look of your wooden table.
There are several other ways to clean the wooden kitchen table but this one is easiest of all.
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