Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Conquering Arthritis Naturally With Exercise and Diet

Arthritis is a very painful condition and can severely affect an individual's physical behavior especially when it comes to his or her daily activities.
Doctors often prescribe powerful drugs to reduce the pain and numbness felt during arthritis.
However drugs are not the only way you can control and reduce the pain you feel in this condition.
Conquering arthritis naturally is a reality and although it might take some time it surely is an effective way to over come the pain and finally the condition itself.
There are a number of exercises that can be performed that reduce the pain that is felt during arthritis.
For instance ankle circles are a good way to keep the joints of your ankles healthy.
All you need to do is to sit with one let in front of you and turn your ankle in a circle motion once in each direction i.
once clock wise and then counter clockwise.
Another good way to reduce the effects of arthritis is to eat a proper balance diet that reduces those extra pounds on your body.
The more weight your body carries the more pain your joints will be in so its always a good idea to eat a diet that is rich in vitamin C and get lots of vitamin D that will help your body absorb calcium and protect your bones from losing density.
In a condition such as arthritis you cant have enough calcium.
In order to get lots of vitamin C in your body you need to eat lots of citrus fruit.
You can also reach out and eat lots of green pepper which is also rich in vitamin c.
You should also eat sweep peppers which are an excellent source of foliate as well as vitamin B6.
Make sure you also get lots of sleep around eight to ten hours a day.

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