To get fit, burn fat and build a muscular physique, most exercisers think you need to join a gym.
They think they have an advantage over the at home exercisers and are better positioned for meeting their goals.
And at first glance, maybe they are right.
But if you take a closer look, what you'll find is that there are pitfalls to joining a gym, and advantages to working out at home.
And upon this closer inspection, I've determined working out at home to be better than gym workouts.
Keep reading to find out why...
Gym Goers Are Dependent On Outside Factors There is a long list of features the gym goer uses to support their position that gym workouts are better than home workouts.
Here are a few: - Access to exercise machines, both resistance and cardio - Access to trainers - The ease of working out with a partner - Working out in a fitness environment But here is the thing...
you don't NEED any of those things to get fit, burn off pounds of ugly fat or build an attractive, athletic body.
And when you think you do NEED them, you become dependent upon them.
What happens when you can't get to the gym? What happens when you can't use the machines because the gym is too busy? What happens when the trainer is training other customers? What happens when your workout partner doesn't show up? I'll tell you what happens: your workout suffers! The Downward Spiral Of Gym Goers When you are dependent on outside things like gym memberships, exercise machines, workout partners, etc, you are setting yourself up for a fall.
The likelihood that one of these factors will be missing is high.
It is not a perfect world, sorry.
And when one or more of these factors are missing most gym goers either get a poor workout, or quit all together.
At Home Exercisers Are More Independent Compared to gym goers, at home exercisers are less dependent on outside forces.
Yes, they still must take the time to workout and stick with a proven program long enough to get results.
But they don't RELY on being in the gym, using exercise machines or working out with a partner to get results.
Just think about it.
Who do you think would get better results over all? A gym goer that misses workout because they don't want to drive to the gym, can't use the equipment they want because of an overcrowded gym or leaves early because their workout partner didn't show up? Or a home exerciser using ONLY bodyweight exercises and that sticks to the program for months at a time? I think the choice is clear, don't you.
(And even if you do belong to a gym, don't you think you should learn to workout at home to avoid using any of the excuses outlined above?) At Home Exercisers Take Personal Responsibility For Their Success I think it all comes down to responsibility.
If you decide to workout at home (especially without any extra equipment), you are taking responsibility for your fitness, fat loss and muscle building results.
If you fail, it is your fault.
It is not the fault of high gym prices, overcrowded gyms or lazy workout partners.
And when you take responsibility for your fitness, you are much more likely to succeed and reach your goals.
Sure, you can get fit, lose fat and build muscle in a gym.
But gym goers face obstacles that make it easy for them to fail and blame something or someone else.
At home exercisers know their success depends on them and nothing else.
If they have a functioning body and the desire, they CAN and WILL change the way they perform, fell and look.
If I had to put money on it, I'd pick a motivated home exerciser over a motivated gym goer every time, wouldn't you?