- Cool colors are colors on the color wheel derived from blue, such as green, blue-green, violet, blue and blue-violet. Warm colors contain or are derived from yellow or red.
- Complements are colors that intensify other colors, as arranged by the color wheel. Cool colors magnify the warmth of warm colors, and warm colors intensify the chill of cold colors.
- Blue communicates ice and snow, as it is the perceived color of white ice in shadow. Blue intensifies orange when used as a complement.
- Violet is a mixture of red and blue. It is the color of cold passion, a complement of yellow, and is the coldest visual temperature of all the cool colors.
- Green is a mixture of yellow and blue. It is a medium, neutral temperature when pure, but when mixed with blue, it reminds us of an overcast day, the color of a blue spruce, a wintertime tree or cold, choppy water. Green is a complement of red.
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