- 1). Lay the foam insulation on the base, covering the entire base. Carve the foam insulation into the shape of the island or shoreline.
- 2). Cut the outer edge of the island at an angle to form a slope for the rising shoreline. You can create two slightly different layers to simulate the tide line.
- 3). Glue the island to the base. Let the glue dry.
- 4). Dip strips of plaster cloth in warm water. Apply the strips to the island from the shoreline inward. Avoid overlapping the strips. Smooth them out with your fingers and let them dry.
- 5). Paint the surface of the island tan. Use a sieve to sprinkle a thin layer of sand or ballast on the paint. Let the paint dry.
- 6). Dab on thin layers of artist's gel medium in the ocean area to form small waves. Let it dry.
- 7). Paint the waves blue or green with white caps.
- 8). Glue model palm trees or similar landscaping features to the island.