- What are you trying to do? Are you simply trying to make some fun accessories to spice up your wardrobe, or are you trying to make some extra cash? Are you making jewelry for gifts for friends, or are you using it as merely a creative outlet?
No matter what your objective, you need to research what styles and patterns are out there. Check out beading websites and stores that carry beaded jewelry. If you are looking to accessorize your wardrobe or your friends' wardrobes, look in closets for color inspiration.
See what patterns are popular and what you would like to copy. Is there a unique color combination that you would not have thought of on your own? Is there a mixture of beads that look great together?
Look at your current beaded jewelry. Is there a pattern or color combination that you are obviously drawn to over and over again? - When you find what you like, save a picture of it. Use that as a basis for your designs. Most styles involve a basic pattern repeated over and over again. Usually these patterns are two to three beads repeated in the same order (1,2,3,1,2,3) over and over until the piece is finished. Make sure to complete the pattern. If you have a black, white, pink pattern, start on the first bead (black) and end on the last bead (pink).
Look at the finished product; if it does not "feel" right, start over. There is no prize for getting it "right" the first time. Also, a pattern is just a guide. If you don't want to stick to the pattern, don't do it. You are only limited by your imagination. Some of the best pieces are totally original works of art that do not conform to any set pattern. - Once you have a few pieces under your belt, start to experiment. By this point, you should have a good idea of what you like and what works well together. Mix and match patterns to create a new look. Remember, the worst-case scenario is that you unstring the piece and start over.
Take your three-bead pattern and mix it up, such as black, white, pink; black, white, green; black, white, pink and so on. It will give the same necklace a whole new look. Adding a singular or grouping of three unique beads in the middle of a necklace can take the look of the jewelery piece to a whole new level.
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