If you go to Port Stephens fishing or for any other kind of holiday, one activity that is quite affordable and interesting is whale or dolphin watching, not just from the headland, but from a power-Cat cruiser. Even just going on a cruise is exciting for those who may never have been on one; the added excitement of seeing whales or dolphins up close is a bonus.
It is a good idea to include varied activities on any holiday and to do something that you have not done before as well as the kinds of things that you love doing. That way you have many new and treasured memories to take home with you and no one feels bored from doing the same old things over and over.
Pe0ple often get into a comfortable rut and don't bother making the effort to do something a little different. But when they do make the effort they suddenly realise that there are many things in the world that are really enjoyable and stimulating and that it actually makes you grow as a person to indulge in something a little different. You learn new things and expand your mind with different sights and activities.
If you have never gone whale watching in Port Stephens, it may be time to arrange for a trip on the next break you have. This port is accessible to many people on the east coast of Australia and there would be many who could get there within a few hours. A day trip would make a nice change for your weekend activity and you would not have to wait for the next annual holiday.Whale watch at Port Stephens takes place in the winter months from the end of May until around the middle of November. Since these are the cooler months, it is wise to make sure you take warm clothing with you. It is always colder out on the water than on land as there is no shelter from the wind. Of course, you can stay inside the glassed portion of the boat if you get too cold.
However, it is more fun to get out and experience all that the trip offers; wind, waves and giant denizens of the deep. The trip will take about three hours, so you may even have time for other activities before or after, depending on whether you go on a morning or afternoon cruise. Being able to choose your departure time will allow you to fit it in with the travelling arrangements that are necessary from your accommodation or home.
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