- 1). Create a trail of bait (also known as chumming) within the water leading to your hook. Drop pails of fish pieces, tuna fish oil, and bird pellets directly into the water for a few miles, so the shark doesn't have a difficult time finding you.
- 2). Set up your tackle bait your hook with some fresh tuna meat and set it in the water. Activate the reels in the 6/0 to 12/0 capacity range and fill up with a 60- to 90-pound test line. Adjust the drag on your fishing reel at around 60 pounds and avoid the fishing line from breaking.
- 3). Adjust your hook as soon as the shark gets your bait. Wind the fishing line, then pull forcefully to set the hook in the shark's jaws. It could end up being attempted many times to successfully accomplish getting your fish on the line.
- 4). Reel the shark by pulling the rod toward you as the shark fights to get away. Abruptly lower the rod tip to generate slack in the line, while you reel in a few feet of line. Carry on with this continually until the shark is close to the boat.
- 5). Kill the shark immediately after you bring it aboard. You can do this with a gun with a sharp knife to its skull. Gut the shark and place it on ice.
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