I suffer from chronic headaches and have for many years.
I am known for my headaches.
I have to miss so many family functions and many other fun activities because of headache pain.
People try to understand what it is like to always be in some sort of pain, but they can't really identify with you in reality.
Only those who have chronic pain can understand how lonely it is to always be unavailable to go to lunch or attend a fantastic function.
I had not seen a friend for 10 years and one of the first things she said to me was "so you still have those headaches?"I am known as the sick one.
Some people try to make you feel guilty for the pain.
Others just think it is all in your head.
Do people think we want this pain.
I would do just about anything to never have another headache, but I have tried just about everything and nothing works permanently.
I understand what it is like to have to spend the day in bed when others are out enjoying a day at the beach.
It is hard and sometimes depressing.
I would like to share with you who also suffer from the loneliness of pain 5 things I must do everyday to ease the pain of headaches.
Maybe you can find some comfort from them as well.
The first thing is to always stay hydrated.
I know that sounds so insignificant but it is necessary when you have muscle pain especially.
I try to drink 80 oz of water a day and sometimes more.
Water is essential especially if you take medications for the pain because they tend to make you dehydrated.
So the first thing I do is drink water.
Number two is get adequate rest.
Most people who suffer from chronic pain do not sleep well.
It is important to allow enough time to get sufficient rest each night.
It may mean going to bed an hour earlier to make sure you are well rested.
Nothing makes pain harder to bear than lack of sleep.
Third is to remember you are special.
Just because you are in pain does not mean you are less important.
Take time each day and thank yourself for all you have to offer to your family or employer.
You just have pain and that is not your fault, so take time to appreciate you for all your great qualities.
Take a few minutes each day to take a deep breathe and find 5 things you are thankful for especially yourself.
You will be amazed how much better you will feel.
If you take medications, or supplements or vitamins always remember to take them faithfully each and every day.
That is number four on my list.
If I slip up and forget my vitamins for example I don't feel well.
Put your medications or vitamins in a container each day and you won't forget to take them.
There are many pill containers in most pharmacies that have the days of the weeks on them and make it easy not to forget.
Many people get very ill when they forget medications.
Fifth on my list of things to do to ease pain is to get moderate exercise.
I know you are thinking I can barely get out of bed how am I supposed to exercise.
Start small and each day add a little bit more.
It is so beneficial for your body especially when in pain to get your blood flowing and stretch your muscles.
It also eases depression a side effect of chronic pain.
I hope these 5 things I do to ease my pain will help you as well.
Remember there are many of us out there who suffer from the loneliness of pain so next time you feel overwhelmed think of me and I will think of you.
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