Health & Medical Self-Improvement

You"re Not As Dumb As You Think!

"Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.
"Deuteronomy 30:11 I just love it when God speaks to me clearly! I've been attending a Beth Moore Bible study at church, and when Beth mentioned this verse, I just had to write it down! Oh, how I needed to hear those words! So often it feels like what I am expected to do is way beyond me.
And then, out of the blue, I get a word from the Lord such as this one.
He just can't be more clear than that, can he? But beyond the obvious, "it's not too difficult for me thing," the other aspect of this verse that really speaks to me and that I like, is that if God felt that it was important to mention that it's not too difficult, apparently, way back thousands of years ago, there were people like me who were having the same thoughts and feelings about living a life that is pleasing before God! So even though I may feel like I'm the only one "not getting it", apparently there are plenty more of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who also do not "get it" or think that it is beyond them! I've decided to type up these words and place them by my bedside so that when I get up, I realize that whatever God asks of me that day, it won't be too difficult or beyond my reach.
As a matter of fact, I'd better keep a copy in my purse, because I know I'm going to need it!

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