There are some important facts concerning the Intelli-Gel mattress that everyone should know, especially those who have a hard time getting to sleep, or those who are forced to spend large amounts of time in their beds. You probably already know that this is not an ordinary mattress, but you may not realize how different it really is.
Intelli-Gel Development
The Intelli-gel mattress is a relative newcomer in consumer bedding, but it has been used in medical institutions for over a decade, and had produced extraordinary results. It was first invented in 1995, and was put to use in hospitals which required superior performance bedding for coma and geriatric patients, as well as those suffering from burn trauma. The very nature of an Intelli-Gel mattress makes it excellent in these situations, where equalized support is required to prevent bed sores and blood clotting.
Special Needs
There is little doubt that this is the best mattress for people who have special support requirements. Very few other sleep and cushioning products provide support that conforms to the individual. Because of this, many people with these requirements have spent years getting little or no sleep, often waking feeling as though they had gotten very little rest at all. But the Intelli-Gel is different, and provides just the right amount of support for all of the parts of your body, which means a person tosses and rolls around less, and spends more time being revitalized.
Intelligent Gel Support
As with most memory foam mattresses, the Intelli-Gel Mattress pad provides support to the body's curves, conforming to the human body rather than forcing the body to conform to a general mattress design. The parts of your body which protrude are able to sink into the material, while portions that curve inward, such as the lower part of the spine, receive equal support. Most people who have purchased this bedding agree that it has been the best mattress they have ever slept on.
Intelli-Gel Cost and Care
Now, sleep perfection does come at a price, and does have its limitations. You can expect to pay as much as three times more than you would for a conventional mattress set, and the manufacturer's warranty is easily voided by stains and mistreatment during moving. So if you are purchasing an Intelli-Gel mattress, it's a wise decision to go ahead and purchase a protective covering so that your investment's warranty will remain in force. Treated properly, however, you are sure to have many years of comfortable, refreshing sleep. Treat your bed well, and it will do the same for you.
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