Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

The Effectiveness of Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation

If you want to know the effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation, it is important for you to first identify the reason you light up a cigarette in the first place.
For me personally, smoking cigarettes was a form of relaxation.
Whenever I got stressed out, I would automatically reach for a cigarette without even thinking about it.
I find that this is true for most people as well.
I personally believe the reason why this is such a conditioned response is because as infants, when we would start to whine and get irritated, sticking a pacifier in our mouth was the ultimate way to calm us down and keep us content.
This scenario was repeated over and over again until it became hard-wired in our subconscious.
And as we became adults, we substitute and replace pacifiers for pleasurable foods and cigarettes.
Smoking then goes from being a mental stress reliever, to an automatic conditioned response.
Think about your own smoking practices.
Do you have a cigarette every time you have tea or coffee? Do you always have a smoke when you are driving to work or during your lunch break? The more you associate smoking with any particular activity, the more that activity will trigger the urge and desire for you to smoke.
What hypnosis does is disassembles these patterns and reconditions the subconscious mind.
As I mentioned earlier, most people smoke to relieve stress, and the stress comes from mental mind loops that run through our minds every second of everyday.
Can you relate to that? I know I sure can! So really it is our thoughts which activate the stress, which then leads us to smoke.
The power of hypnosis lies in replacing those stressful thoughts with thoughts and mental loops that are more pleasing and relaxing.
The effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation is very potent.
Smoking is more of a psychological addiction rather a nicotine addiction, and hypnosis can be a powerful way to rid your life of smoking for good.

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