One of the greatest temptations that will come into play when you have broken up with your girlfriend is to call her on the phone. I mean, it's so easy, all you have to do is dial those numbers and you can hear the sound of her voice again. However, you might want to think twice about calling her on the phone, because you just might blow it and you can kiss your ex girlfriend GOOD-BYE!
Here are some things that you should think about before you try to call your ex girlfriend:
1. Do you have anything real to talk about or are you just calling to hear her speak? When you get your ex girlfriend on the phone, are you going to have something to say to her? There is no point in calling your ex girlfriend if all you are going to do is to listen to her voice.
2. Are you trying to get a date with her? If some time has passed and you have not had much of any contact with her, then getting her on the phone to ask her out on a date right out of the blue might be out of the question. Her knee jerk response is going to be to say NO to you, and this is something that you are going to have to expect.
3. Much better than trying to play phone tag with your ex girlfriend is actually have a real plan to get her back. See, most guys they have NO plan at all and then they wonder why getting back their ex girlfriend is such a HARD thing to do. If you want to get her back, then you better get serious and plan out what you are going to do to make her want you back.
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