Sir Winston Churchill once said that, winners are those people who see opportunity even in apparently disadvantageous situations.
Whether you are a winner or not, you know better, but I hope if you are reading this article, you certainly are one.
Because here I tell you of ways to recapture the imagination of your ex, in spite of the inopportune detail that you cohabit with him in the same apartment.
I disagree with a lot of relationship consultants who claim it is absolutely mandatory to stay apart from an ex if we want them to realize how badly they really need us.
Although this stratagem is a time tested method, I still maintain it is not indispensable.
By staying apart, it doesn't mean that you completely erase yourself from your ex's life.
It simply implies that you create some space for your ex to orient their priorities instead of choking it up with indigent accounts of how life has come to a stand still after you both decided to drift apart.
Let your ex breathe.
Delaying your return to home at night on the pretext of additional work pressure or appointments with out of the town relatives are a good way to leave them alone.
Keep your sunny side up whenever you are around them.
This will disconcert them as they won't be able to ascertain what it is that you are so deliriously joyful about.
In all possibilities, their curiosity will get the better of them and they won't be able to resist probing further.
Beware of all kinds of melodramatic exchange of views as that way you may find it difficult to pretend you are indifferent and the break up didn't ruffle any feather in your life.
If you can just continue with the nonchalance a bit longer, you can win back your ex with considerable ease.
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