Let us suppose you are in the middle of the process of hunting for Livonia real estate property. You already have searched Livonia Homes for Sale from online Livonia MLS but you feel that you do not yet find the perfect home you are dreaming of. So now, you are visiting a neighborhood with a market for lots of homes for sale and you and then you suddenly spotted a For Sale By Owner sign in a yard of a property. Usually For Sale by Owners (FSBO) signs are red and white in color with the phone number of the seller. Now, you are wondering if it is really worth it to contact the owner of the wonderful property you just discovered. Well, is buying a property for sale by owner really worth the shot and the risk? Actually, yes it is. So what are you still waiting for? Write the phone number down and immediately give the owner a call!
For Sale by Owner
What does FSBO means? In its very straightforward meaning, FSBO is the process of selling a property without the help of a representation of a real estate agent or broker. As you know, if a homeowner decides to sell his or her property, he or she has the options to either avail a service from marketing agents and/or listing companies or sell the property all by themselves. Without the employment of services from these realtors or agents, they can save more money because they do not have to pay for a sales commission. Avoidance of paying an agents commission is usually one of the main reasons why home buyers choose to sell their homes without seeking help and assistance from these professionals. Six percent of the selling price of the homes in the United States typically goes to the agents fee.
Debunking FSBO Myths
1.Sellers of FSBO properties are not serious to sell the property
Well, a minority of sellers may only be just in testing the waters stage but most of the owners who decide to put their property in the market without any real estate agents help absolutely and truly want to sell their homes as soon as possible.
2.Sellers of FSBO properties do not negotiate on the price
This is unlikely to happen because FSBO sellers are very open for a negotiation. In fact, researches tell that there are more FSBO sellers who take a lower offer of what they set for a price than those who use real estate agents.
3.FSBO sellers do not tell negative things about their home.
FSBO sellers are not different from the realtors and listing companies when you talk about property disclosure. They are also bound by the disclosure laws implemented in the state or city they are in. At the very least, sellers are required to tell you the age, the structural problems and defects, encroachment issues, legal problems and ownership issues of the house.
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