Many Americans struggle to pay off credit card and mortgage debt as well as student loans.
There are programs that exist that can help you get out from underneath your pile of bills.
With a little research, you can get someone else to help you pay off your bills! Determine what type of debt you want to pay off.
Grants are not readily available for credit card debt relief.
A loan consolidation may be more realistic.
The best bet for relief from mortgage or rental debt is the local credit union or bank.
Market yourself.
It can be hard to find a grant program, but it is easier if you can find one that awards money according to specific requirements.
There are grants available for single mothers, minorities, small business owners and the disabled, are just some of the groups to which grants cater.
Know where to find programs.
There are many websites on the Internet specifically designed to help you obtain information about grants.
Sites that end in .
gov are governmental websites and sites that end in .
com are commercial websites of companies designed to make a profit.
Remember the difference when you are searching online.
Start the application process early.
Many of these programs have deadlines that are in March or April.
You need to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get your application in.
Get someone else to pay your debts.
Programs such as AmeriCorps and Teach for America offer to pay off some of your student debt in exchange for a few years of service.
While the pay is not great in these programs, they do pay off many school loans and offer a chance to make a difference.