Social networking is a mutual interaction between individuals by constructing public or semi-public profile within a bounded online system and secondly to view a list of other users with whom they share a connection along with they can traverse their list of connections.
The nomenclature of these connections may be different from site to site.
What is Web 2.
0? Web 2.
0 takes the web as a platform which help the transition of the web to web applications.
It is mainly developed to give maximum interaction between users and the website.
It is still confusing term because you may receive different explanations from different people around you.
But at the heart of Web 2.
0 is the maturity of the web and businesses that are thriving online.
Many says that web 2.
0 as companies that employ powerful web technologies but the key components of the new web are the web as a platform, collaboration and information syndication.
Web 2.
0 Vs Social Media: Web 2.
0 and social media is gaining great amount of popularity around the net as it is fulfilling a great need of people to instantly communicate, collaborate, and share information online.
SM and related technologies are offering a whole new set off metrics to the online business professional and also to the normal web surfer.
Social Media Marketing can help you By: 1.
Drive traffic to your media and website properties 2.
Increase user engagement 3.
Ultimately obtain more advertising and/or affiliate dollars 4.
Share your information with other people 5.
Help you to find information on any topic of your interest Using SM you can get the exposure in a tactical way and avoiding getting blocked or banned.
It is a new term in the world of search engine optimization (SEO).
Role of Social Media Websites: Social websites can be very helpful in connecting with friends, classmates, neighbors along with people from your past with whom you have completely lost touch.
Our friends and relatives are quite scattered in different parts of the world but using social media we can search for them and stay connected with them.
Children's activities can be check by using social media sites.
This technology has diverted youth's attention from porn and other vulgar sites.
One can discuss and share their opinions by signing on the social media site and thereby increase their knowledge.
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