Someone recently asked me a seemingly simple question, "What is love, really?".
They were worried that to understand Love, one must obtain education on the topic.
An education is not necessary, and can actually become a hindrance as it often results in the illusion of "I already know all that stuff.
" Love is an invisible energy field of consciousness which radiates and permeates throughout all of life, however, most people are largely unaware of it.
Love is beyond form, yet inclusive of form.
Love, Truth, and God, and Krishna, are actually all one and the same thing.
All that truly matters in life is actually invisible (e.
, happiness, love, joy, spirituality, etc.
, and again, these words ALL mean one and the same thing).
To know Love, you must become it.
Love is not an emotion, but is a way of being in the world.
It expresses itself as your devotion to the Truth, your kind smile to the stranger on the street, your willingness to be polite instead of rude, and your ability to be kind with others for the pure enjoyment of being kind, instead of as an act of pseudo-kindness because it is the 'right' thing to do.
To quickly reach the state of Unconditional Love, you must approach the following with a certain 'Rocky Balboa' attitude, which is a rock-line, unbending, unwavering, laser-like fixity of focus and devotional dedication: Be kind, generous, forgiving, and compassionate towards all of life in all it's expressions, including with yourself AND even with your own thoughts, without exceptions, excuses, rationalizations, justifications, and other self-deceptions.
Become like a 'raging bull' in your attitude toward this spiritual practice.
Make it a priority above everything else in this world.
Love is Power.
Commit to this simple spiritual practice -- without exception -- and you will be "richer" than the most educated followers of religious dogma or ecclesiastical doctrines.
Everything 'material' is meaningless, therefore, focus on your Spirit above everything else.
You never know when your body is going to perish, therefore, waste no time in your spiritual quest to perfect yourself.
Nothing is more important than, or should take precedence over, your spiritual evolution.
As you follow this, you will begin to make significant spiritual progress in a very short period of time.
Be cautious: when certain people see the Love/Innocence emanating through your eyes, many of them will try to seduce via charm, lust, wit, sarcasm, etc.
, and attempt to destroy you due to malice, envy, and hatred of spiritual Truth, as your presence is intuited as a threat to those who operate from selfish pleasure and narcissistic greed and hold dominion over significantly large portions of the population (e.
, the media).
Love and forgive them no matter what, but beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing for they are the rule rather than the exception, and simply avoid anything or anyone who is fundamentally dishonest.
Many spiritual aspirants and teachers have reached Unconditional Love and have been ensnared by these traps and fallen.
Therefore, it is best to be informed about this well in advance.
Print this and stick it up on your wall and re-read it constantly.
Expect your ego/mind to put up resistance, as it is of animal origin and is innately infantile.
Expect your ego/mind to 'squirm', and forgive it continuously.
Learn to Witness your mind, rather than identifying with it as 'me'.
(This does take some practice.
) Rather quickly, you will progressively become One with Krishna and come to know what is true Love, which is a subjective experience that is truly beyond words.
It is not an either/or condition, but a progressive inflow of 'kundalini' (spiritual) energy which activates the chakra's as you progress (very similar the mercury in a thermometer which slowly rises in response to heat).
The experience of this energy is profound, and can knock you speechless and send you into tears of gratitude or states the world will find difficult to understand.
Many Blessings, Stephane Hemon
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