Dear John/Joan, I've been thinking about you and wanted you to know.
Times like these remind me how important it is to have a good friend; I consider you my good friend and therefore want to reach out.
I am: 1.
Thankful for the help you provided and what it meant to those you helped.
It's so nice that people like you still exist in the world, a person who looks out for others and is not afraid to get their hands dirty helping people in need.
Sympathetic about your loss and wanted you to know I am actually praying for you.
Times like this it's so hard to know the right things to say; I'm hoping that whatever I say or do might be of practical help for you.
I understand how difficult it is for me, or anybody else, to begin to understand just what you are going through right now.
Just know you have my prayers.
Mindful of the changes impacting on you right now.
Without wanting to second-guess what it might be like I just want you to know that I see your difficulties and admire your strength, courage, and determination to get through; to adjust despite the challenges; to keep going when you feel like you don't have any more to give.
I can't share your pain other than acknowledge that it is real.
Praising God for you, for your inspiration and your ability to inspire others.
You are a gem; a jewel in the area which you are placed.
I can see the difference you're making in other people's lives.
I can see that you are the person for this hour, chosen for the task and able to complete it.
This will be a blessing to many people.
Happy that you've made it through a difficult year and it's clear that you've grown through it, despite the seeming unfairness of the challenges that were put before you.
You were betrayed and rejected yet you chose not to betray back.
The courage you have shown is a testament to your loving character.
You truly are a beautiful person.
Grateful that you've been there for me.
It may have been easier for you to pretend I didn't need the support I truly needed, but you came to my aid anyhow.
You took a risk and in that way showed how loving you really are.
Thank you.
Encouraged by your constant and ongoing support.
You make this situation, right now, so much more bearable, and even a joy in some strange way.
*** Letters of kindness are an encouragement in so many ways, mainly because they're usually completely unexpected.
How nice to receive good news - as in a gift - when we least expect it.
The best thing about letters of kindness, personally speaking, is the encouragement God speaks into our hearts, as we practice the humility of loving other people.
Kindness is an elixir that can brighten the darkest day.
© 2011 S.
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