By Otto Collins
We all have our strengths and our weaknesses-- those things that, in our love relationship or marriage-- we do consistently really well and those other things that we tend to drop the ball about.
When you recognize that you are imperfect as a partner to your woman AND you strive to improve and be better and better at loving her, you can also reap the benefits of your efforts. You could begin to develop new relationship skills and know that you aren't just doing this for your're doing it for you and for the health and wellness of your relationship.
Let's face it-- when you try to make a change in order to placate or appease your partner, your energy, attention and heart aren't usually fully in invested. The changes that you make are usually short-lived if they happen at all.
When you approach improving yourself in relationship to your woman from what might seem a more selfish point of view (and I don't mean "selfish" in a negative way), you can usually make more lasting changes that truly benefit both of you.
So, remember that developing new skills-- that your woman has possibly mentioned to you before-- will not only be for her benefit, they can also boost your enjoyment of your own love relationship or marriage too.
Here are 5 skills that your woman (might) wish you had and how you can take steps toward attaining those skills...
#1: Communication skill #1-- Honesty is truly the best policy.
Too many men have fallen into the habit of telling half-truths or always saying "Yes, dear" in order to keep things on an even keel in their relationship. Men like this think that they are doing their woman a favor and keeping the peace at the same time when they agree to anything and everything-- and they actually do not agree.
Before you promise to make a change, take care of a project or anything else that your woman requests of you, take a few moments to go within yourself and get clear about how you really feel.
Find ways to be honest and loving when you tell her what's true for you. This doesn't mean that you have to make her "wrong" in order to validate your own truth.
#2: Communication skill #2-- Asking for her advice only makes you MORE of a man.
There is a stereotype about men that they refuse to ask for help. This is only partly true part of the time, for some men.
Your usual behavior, when it comes to asking your woman for help or advice, may or may not fit the stereotype. If it does, take the time to try out a new way.
Set aside any "old" beliefs that you might have that it makes you less of a man or it shows weakness to ask for your woman's point of view or assistance. Remind yourself that you can ask for her advice and still make your own decisions.
It makes you MORE of a man to let your woman know that you respect her insights and intelligence enough to want to know what she thinks about something that is personal to you.
You might discover that your own opinions can be broadened and improved when you really listen to your partner's perspective.
#3: Show-her-she's-special skills
Sincere gestures are a wonderful way to really let your woman know that she is special and adored by you. Here's what many men do... they shower their woman with romantic gifts, heart-felt love notes and other gestures at the beginning of their relationship.
Then, once the two of them have been together for awhile, the flowers, candies, love notes, etc. stop. The men either become too busy or too distracted by other things in life to take the time for these gestures-- which really don't take all that much time or money.
The effects of going above and beyond your usual relationship routine to be romantic, thoughtful and loving will leave no doubt in your woman's mind that she is special to you. This is what just about every woman wants-- if you are unsure about which gestures mean the most to your woman, experiment and watch the results.
#4: Touch skills
Non-sexual touch amps up connection and passion. Scientific studies show that, in general, men tend to connect through sex while women tend to need to connect first before they are in the mood for sex.
This can seem to be conflicting-- but it doesn't have to be.
Make it a point to develop your non-sexual touch skills in order to keep the connection strong between you and your woman. Let her know that you don't ONLY touch her tenderly when you want to immediately go have sex. Be playful, flirty, gentle, caressing and loving with your touch.
Just like those heart-felt gestures, experiment around with non-sexual (and sexual) touch throughout the day with your woman. Notice what seems to move her closer to you and do more of that.
#5: Say "I love you" skills
There's a way to say "I love you" to your woman that will instantly move her closer to you (and put her more frequently in the mood for sex) and there's a way to say "I love you" that will have the opposite effect.
A quick peck on the cheek accompanied by the words "I love you" as you dart out the door in the morning already thinking about your day ahead is most likely NOT going to help your woman move closer to you.
Instead, take a few moments to tune in to your deep feelings of love and appreciation for your partner and then-- from that place-- look her in the eyes and tell her, "I love you." It can make a huge difference!
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