Is there a real vitamin for new hair growth and re-growth, well scientists have been attempting to figure that out for years. Now, doctors in Los angeles have revealed a vitamin material that appears to be an organic and natural solution to balding and hair loss.
Doctors at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles had several mice remaining from drug studies. A number of the mice had excessive baldness but were otherwise in good health. The Doctors wished to determine if they are able to re-grow hair on the mice by giving them an all natural extract of polyphenols to their menu.
Following a 6-month test, the mice receiving the polyphenols in there diet had shown that baldness had completely stopped. That's is not the only surprise, as with all the mice in the test group using the polyphenols substantial hair re-growth had occurred.
The scientists found out that 33% belonging to the treated mice had significant hair re-growth, however no hair growth was seen in the control group which was not fed the polyphenols. Other then the polyphenols both within the groups were fed exactly the same diet and stayed inside the same living conditions as the test mice. Just the polyphenols group had no further hair loss and substantive hair re-growth
Science Strongest for Apple Polyphenols and New hair growth
Previous tests have proven that polyphenols from apple skins, grape seeds and barley all exhibit the ability to re-grow hair in animal and human trials. This is actually the first report within the literature showing that green tea polyphenols also have some hair growth effects. This study is also important because it's the first time that polyphenols have produced new hair regrowth when taken internally.
Proof of Significant Re-growth
Human scientific trials on apple polyphenols, specifically procyanidins, have established the best and fastest results in hair re-growth, but have only been tested topically. This latest study is proof that polyphenols, taken internally, have significant hair growth effects in mammals.
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