Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Top Three Consideration For Preconception Health

The available wealth of information concerning preconception health should enable you to enrich your baby's life as well as yours. Years back women were ignorant about preconception health. Conception and child birth was best learnt through experience or in other words through severe mistakes. Our generation is lucky enough to be able to take sexual responsibilities in their lives. It is possible to plan when to get that wanted pregnancy. There is information about safe days, contraception and the prime time when a woman can conceive. In this day and age, an unwanted pregnancy shows that the woman is careless with her sexual life.

A female's age is a big point to consider while planning about your reproductive life. According to theory, the reproductive age is said be between 15 to 45 years of age. Preconception health advises that a woman should not conceive at the two extremes of this range. If the woman is too young, her body is not in a full capacity to cater for the pregnancy. There will be an emotional and physical dissatisfaction in the pregnancy. Teenage pregnancies subject the mother to great harm. If you are a man, do not sire babies with young girls because you are harming their body's health. On the other hand, women over 35 years are not reproductively suit to produce healthy babies. Chances are the babies born of these older mothers will have a problem with congenital abnormalities for example Downs's syndrome and others.

If you have had problems with past pregnancies, you should be keen when you want to conceive yet another time. What affected the previous pregnancy might as well rear its ugly head on the one you are planning. May be it is a miscarriage. You aborted before it was due. This is very painful to any woman. It is such pain to lose a life you had started to develop a connection with. To avoid a repeat of the same, visit your doctor for some preconception health advice. If you were a victim of serial abortions you might be in real hot soup too. Medics say that if you had aborted once or twice you might be lucky to carry your pregnancy until its due. If you have a habit of aborting the fetus when they are two or three months in the womb, you might have a problem with carrying the pregnancy to its full time. It is worse if the frequency of abortions exceeds five times. If the baby previously born had a birth defect, you should see the doctor to establish the cause before you conceive again.

Preconception health advises that you have to look in to your lifestyle and nutrition if you are planning to have a healthy baby. Everything good comes with a price so you have to watch what you consume and what you do. Stress reduces the chances of conceiving. You might think you are infertile while actually you are undergoing stress. For the sake of your unborn baby eliminate stress. Diet is a key issue during preconception planning. As the pregnancy advances, the requirement in terms of nutrition increase too. While pregnant, make it a habit to visit your doctor in order to get a prescription of a well balanced diet. The diet should provide enough minerals, vitamins, proteins and energy for the mother and the fetus. If you want to make healthy babies abstain from alcohol, cigarettes and any form of drugs.

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