Boredom is a curse. It starts when you have no interest in what you are doing or supposed to be doing. The early signs are day-dreaming and procrastination and it can quickly lead to frustration and despair. Boredom numbs the mind and exhausts the body; ultimately it is soul-destroying.So here is the escape plan: you give yourself a special gift. This is different to what you might first think - it's not the latest gadget or electronic toy but something much more valuable. What you do is to make a date with inspiration (This is adapting an idea from 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron).Plan to set aside a block of time to do something that inspires you. Make it at least 2 hours and defend that time against all incursions. Your inspiration date could be a day's excursion, a film, a walk by the river or a book by the fire. It could be a cycle ride, a visit to an art gallery or a boat trip. Your inspiration date will be as individual as you are; the only condition is that it has the potential to inspire you. Just like a romantic date, there can't be a guarantee of success but there should be plenty of promise!The escape from boredom starts as soon as you begin planning the inspiration date. As you run through the options, treat it like you do when selecting a gift for a loved one. You could make a list of ideas and savour each one before deciding. Imagine the different the possibilities and enjoy the choosing.Once you have decided on your date, be ready for a challenge. As Julia Cameron warns us "Commit yourself to a [ ] date and then watch your killjoy side try to wriggle out of it. Watch how this sacred time gets easily encroached upon. Watch how the sacred time suddenly includes a third party [ ] guard against these invasions".Providing you stick with it, the escape kicks into overdrive when you actually go on the date itself. Then you will break free from normal constraints and rise above the ordinary and the tedious. You will feel again the life-energy that has been so lacking. Your thoughts will clear so you can see what is really important and what you can discard.Once the date is over, you can still enjoy the after-glow. You can take insights you have gained into the future which often means you will revise your priorities and goals. The boredom you once felt will now seem smaller and less significant.To take things further, you can make regular dates with inspiration. Schedule them as times to replenish and reinvigorate yourself so you can banish boredom entirely. Then you will have abundant energy and motivation to engage fully with the day-to-day challenges and opportunities of life.
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