The Sky Is Falling! Everyone is wondering what to do.
Everyone is fearful.
Actually that's not true at all.
The unschooled, untrained, unknowing Masses are indeed fearful.
They are reading the newspaper headlines each day and getting more and more worried for their jobs, their businesses, their investments, their retirement.
But, not everyone is fearful.
Some people are happy.
These are the Rich People.
They know exactly what to do.
In this brief article, I will explain exactly what to do.
First, go right back to basics.
What is the Number One rule for investing success? That rule is...
Buy Low Sell High If it's so short (four words) and so easy to understand, why isn't everyone following it? There indeed is a reason why the Broke People do not follow it.
Here is that reason.
Prices are low when there is a problem.
Prices do not like chaos, problems, uncertainty.
So, they fall.
When there is a problem, prices are low.
Rich People see the low prices, they remember the rule "Buy Low Sell High" and they buy.
Broke People see the problem, get fearful reading the headlines of the newspapers, forget the rule of wise investing, and run.
Yes, run away from investing -- right when prices are low.
So, what are rich people doing right now? Buy Low Rich people are racing to buy US real estate.
I personally just bought a duplex in a major city.
It was listed at $530,000.
The sellers were extremely eager to sell.
In a very brief several-day negotiation, they lowered the price by a shocking $100,000 to only $430,000.
So, I bought it.
I see the problem; I see the low prices; I buy.
Now, let's look at the other side of the coin.
Sell High Just look at the newspapers and besides seeing that real estate prices are low, you will see that gold prices are high.
The previous all-time high gold price, on January 21 1980, was $850.
The World waited for almost three decades for gold to get near that price.
Then, on January 3rd, gold broke that high.
Then, on March 13, gold broke through the $1,000 per ounce barrier for the first time ever! Now that there is so much good news about Gold, The Masses are buying gold and dumping their real estate.
What am I doing? What are rich people doing? We are selling all our gold and silver.
I had hundreds of pounds of silver in my safe and hundreds of grams of gold and some platinum all locked away in my safe.
I bought when prices were low.
I've just sold it all over the last few days.
Your Turn You may now be brooding that you have no gold to sell and have no cash to buy real estate.
So, what should you do? First get into practice by selling anything you've got that you can part with that contains gold or silver - old jewelry, silver cutlery, etc.
Second, do anything you can to get into an investment property right now, even if you have to joint venture with some friends to raise the down payment.
Get started.
Begin investing correctly.
Sell when prices are high, even if all your friends are buying.
Buy when prices are low, even if there are problems.
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