There is a distinct correlation between your beliefs and The Law of Attraction. Your spiritual growth depends in a large part on you being aware of and understanding what your core beliefs are. The spirituality information in this article reveals how critical it is for you to realize that your beliefs may be the core cause of your frustrations about life.
We are in a constant process of creating our reality from moment to moment. The catalysts for what we create are the thoughts that go through our heads. The thoughts that go through our heads come to us by The Law of Attraction that says, whatever we put our attention on is what is going to be drawn to us.
What we put our attention on is determined in a large part by what we believe to be true for us. So if we reverse this process, we see that our beliefs determine what is important to us and we put our attention on what is important to us. The more we focus our attention on a particular idea, the more information we are sent concerning that idea. This information that is sent to us comes in the form of thoughts. Each thought has information about the focus of our attention as viewed by the prevailing belief we have about the idea of our desire.
What we begin to see emerging here is that our beliefs influence, to a large dominating degree, those ideas and concepts that we put our attention on.
If we are told from the first moments of cognition that we will eventually die and that when we die we will end our existence, then that is what we will incorporate into our belief system.
If we are told from the first moments of cognition that we are eternal and that we never really die, in the sense that our existence is finished, but that we may choose to change physical form through the process of choosing to cease our bodily functions, and if we are told that this would allow us to continue our evolution and existence in another form, then this would allow us to view the life process from a different perspective. If we were told this from the first moments of cognition, then that would be what we incorporate into our belief system.
How many of you were told from the time of your infancy that you were going to die and what happens after that is unknown?
How many of you were told from the time of your infancy that you are eternal and you may choose to go through the experience of your physical death but you never really die? You merely change form to continue your evolutionary mission to experience life in all of its different perspectives in order for God to know, through your experiences, all that she knows as concepts?
When you are an infant, you have not yet developed the cognitive skills to question the belief system that is fashioned and constructed into your beingness by your greatest teachers. The people you trust the most. Your mother and father and the benevolent society where you reside. And this is not to say that those people were trying to deceive you or mislead you in some way. Usually they are relaying their own truths, as they know them, but all too often they have acquired their truths by what other people, usually their parents, told them.
So our belief systems become ingrained generation after generation and after a while certain bedrock beliefs are formed that seem to be immutable.
Because these beliefs seem to be immutable we never really challenge them. We just accept them as truth. We accept the words of others as our own truth. Even if we experience something in our lives that tells us something different than what we have been told, we often discount our own experience of the truth and accept the words of others as our own truth.
We focus our attention on these truths and The Law of Attraction brings into our lives more of what we are putting out attention on. Can you see how important it is to take a serious look at what your beliefs about life are? More importantly is that when you begin to seriously look at your beliefs you need to ask yourself this question, Does this serve me?
Then be honest with yourself and begin to put your attention on what serves you and take your attention away from what does not serve you. You will then allow The Law of Attraction to serve you by bringing into your life that which serves you taking you to where you truly desire to go.
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