Not that long ago I was approached by an individual who asked me if I thought it was realistic to only work on weekends.
Of course, he was referring to running an eBook publishing business.
Quite honestly, my response was no, it's not realistic.
The reason I said this was because for a lot of people it's hard to really find the time to work on anything aside from the things they have to work on as part of their full time day job.
Now imagine having a business where customer questions were only answered every 5 or 6 days.
If that strikes you as being a long amount of time, it is.
This guy wanted to put in the absolute bare minimum amount of effort and somehow expected to be able to quit his job within a few weeks.
Every once in a while I need to give people a reality check.
Unless you're in a position to literally hire a staff that works Monday through Friday, it's going to fall to you to actually get things done.
By relegating yourself to only working on weekends, you're really establishing a framework that's not conducive to running a "real" business.
Here's what I suggest.
If you feel as though you're running short on time, devote at least 30 minutes per day to your business on weekdays, and then supplement that by working on weekends.
When you're just getting started, it's critical that you be connected to your business far more often than on weekends.
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