Health & Medical Disability

Residential Automatic Door Openers Explained:

This lower cost and lighter weight handicap door opener has been designed for light residential use. It is best when an automatic opener is required for access the majority of the time. It does not function as well when manually opened due to the fact that the arm of the unit is permanently attached to the door regardless of if it is opening or closing and some resistance will be felt during manual operation. If the unit is opened too quickly the arm may spring from its fitting requiring re-installation prior to use.

Handicapped door openers work on both the pull & push side of a door as either a Jamb Mount or a Door Mount application although the necessary unit clearances for each specific application should be considered prior to ordering.

These automatic openers should always be installed out of the weather which usually requires a door mount model for an in-swing door and a jamb mount for an out-swing door opener automatic. 

The model is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance annually. A spot of grease and oil is typically all that is necessary for years of reliable operation.

Handicap door openers are available with a choice of wired & wireless wall switches, hand-held remotes (similar to a garage door remote) and a coded key pad system which is used to release the latch when the opener receives a signal to open. A battery backup is also available for when the power goes out. This however is only necessary if no one is likely to be around to open the door manually and the user with limited mobility is not able to do so for them.

The door opener automatic opens and closes the door in a seven second cycle time and includes an adjustable timed hold open feature for 0-30 seconds or a hold open feature that requires a signal to close it.

A 9ft power cord is supplied with the automatic door opener to plug into an outlet and a 20ft upgrade is available as option should the outlet be more than 9ft away.

At only 10lbs these automatic door openers are an excellent application for most residential situations.

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