Health & Medical Disability

Your Panic Attack Disorder Doesn" t Have To Rule Your Life Any More!

Have you ever felt like you were suffering from chest pains and afraid that you might be having a heart attack, then rushing in to the emergency room trembling in fear that you could possibly die, only to find out that you are probably struggling with panic attack disorder?

If you have experienced this situation, then you probably already know that because its manifestations closely resemble those of a heart attack, 25% of people that go to an urgent care room due to chest discomfort and a pounding heart will not be correctly diagnosed as suffering from this devastating disorder.

What exactly is Panic Attack Disorder?

This type of disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of panic and anxiety that develop for no apparent reason. While there are triggers to such episodes, it can be quite common for a individual to all of a sudden have these types of unexpected panic moments with no warning.

Therefore, it may occur in almost any scenario - whether the person is calm, carrying out a typical daily chore and even while sleeping. One big problem to panic and anxiety condition is that attacks can be very frightening for that person involved. Whenever it occurs, it really is really disturbing and the person may feel like he or she is losing control and also experiencing a heart attack. For many individuals, it could possibly occur once or twice in their lifetime however for many people it can manifest on a daily basis.

What are the Symptoms of Panic Attack Disorder?

Any time a panic or anxiety attack happens, the discomforts an individual suffers from will differ. Listed here are the most typical symptoms of panic attack disorder:

* shortness of breath

* pounding of the heart or fast heart rate

* trembling and shaking

* chest pains

* nausea, dizziness or fainting sensations

In some cases people experience some or all of the symptoms. Some of these may not appear at the same time and they usually manifest without any warning signs.

You might be driving to the mall when you suddenly feel several symptoms come at the same time. You might be at work and begin feeling cramped, fearful and experience difficulty in breathing, to the point that you suddenly need to go home or even lock yourself in a room.

How an attack manifests can differ from person to person. The main thing is that there is a sudden feeling of agitation and anxiety, which intensifies the thought that you have lost control.

An attack can last for about ten to twenty minutes, which can feel like a lifetime. It is also quite common for you to feel fatigued after an attack occurs. The biggest challenge is how to control or eliminate the fear of another attack about to come. This fear, in most cases, also triggers more anxiety or panic attacks.

How to Deal with Panic Attack Disorder with Traditional Treatment Methods:

Dealing with this disorder is the tricky part but the good news is treatment is possible. In most cases, the key is to learn how to control the symptoms when an attack occurs. Psychotherapy or counseling can help. There are also medications that can help control the symptoms. For most people, however, dealing with the panic disorder symptoms and eliminating the fear of it can help tremendously.

If you are a loved one is experiencing this problem, you have probably felt shame and embarrassment because of the lack of understanding friends and family seem to have regarding this situation. Even professionals seem to exhibit lack of empathy and sympathy and continue to advise you to use outdated methods like deep breathing techniques or prescribing anti-depressants.

While these methods of treatment work for some, a lot of people find that they just aren't effective in preventing another panic attack from occurring and especially do nothing as far as removing the fear of getting another one. In these cases many are searching for new alternative techniques to break the cycle of anxiety and no longer feel like a victim.

Imagine if you could learn a an easy and effective solution that's not the same old conventional methods used for decades to get rid of your panic attack disorder. I'm sure you've already attempted to apply a number of treatments in the past with no success.

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