Has it ever occurred to you that people are scared witless when you start raising your voice? Do you even remember what you did or what you said to those people that could send them into human stampede? Chances are you may have not noticed it but either you have said something or you made a threatening gesture out of anger.
So why couldn't you remember it? Anger is one of those emotions so strong that it can distort your perception of things.
When your temper is flaring, your emotions replace thinking and you act out of angry impulse.
Either you don't remember or you regret what you did.
There is nothing to be ashamed once you discover you have anger management issues.
Anger is an emotion, hence it is very normal.
But there is a thing called "irrational emotion".
Getting anger under control can be as simple as waiting.
Here are five anger control techniques.
Maintain conscious thought: If you have anger management problems, then you know there will be a time in a day that you will be ticked off.
Remember that anger replaces conscious thought, so you're going to need to maintain consciousness over whatever you might want to do out of anger.
Wait: Anger makes you not think of "what ifs".
But consider this: what if you didn't get angry? Would the outcome have been undesirable? By no means does waiting require you to do nothing.
Wait before you respond, and respond in a calm way.
Sometimes you can talk it out instead of letting hurtful words fly.
Go away: Leaving the scene may seem like a cowardly way.
But in conflict, especially if you do not want to hurt the person you're talking to, it's best to leave and get some fresh air.
A change of scenery is sometimes enough to provoke a change of heart.
Maybe you were wrong, but you didn't realize it because you were angry.
Take a deep breath: You've probably been sick of this advice, but the truth is, it works.
Taking a deep breath serves two purposes in controlling anger.
First, it brings more oxygen into the brain and brings you into a more relaxed state.
Second, if you do this really slowly, it can buy you time to think and reconsider what you might want to say out of anger.
Pour it out: No, I'm not talking about punching a wall, stabbing your pillow, or going to a firing range.
Either you can channel your anger through writing and singing, or you can find someone you can talk to and listen to you.
Engaging in hobbies, sports, and games are also good.
Don't be fooled with the simplicity of these anger control techniques.
They work.
All you need is an open mind and the willingness to follow the steps mentioned above and you'll be fine.
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