It is my delight to share with you this uncommon knowledge.
Heaven is a spiritual world inhabited by spirits who participate in the Divine Nature.
2 Peter 1:4.
It is in the kingdom of GOD.
The Dual Nature of Man Man is composite in nature.
He is made up of body, soul and spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:23.
The body serves as a covering for the soul, which is the life in the body.
In its turn, the soul serves as covering for the spirit that lives inside the soul.
In effect, man is dual nature.
He has a physical nature of flesh and blood, as well as a spiritual nature.
The two bodies that belong respectively to these natures are completely independent of each other to the extent that the death of the physical body does not affect the spirit in any way.
For every individual, the two bodies look exactly alike in appearance.
It is impossible to know one from the other if one sees both of them together.
However, the one is flesh and blood; the other is something else, but definitely boneless.
The fact that in the eyes of one the other does not seem to exist has beclouded man's perception of his own spiritual nature.
The Spirituality of GOD There are two categories of spirituality: the Spirituality of GOD, and the spirituality of Satan.
In the worlds that exist in the Spiritual sphere of GOD, all the beings operate on a single mind, the single-mindedness of GOD.
This is what qualifies each of these spiritual worlds to be called and known as heaven.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam possessed his own knowledge of good and evil.
For this single reason, he was banished into the physical world of flesh and blood.
Genesis 3:22-23.
Or, he died in the spiritual, that is, his activities with the LORD GOD in the spiritual came to an end.
On the other hand, beings that live in the kingdom of GOD participate in Divine Nature to have Divine knowledge of good and evil.
Differences in opinions respecting what is good or evil, is the perfect recipe for quarrel, violence, war, organized crime and everything that removes peace.
In this world in which we live, there can never be peace.
The LORD GOD created man in his own image.
The spirit of man is therefore, also in the image of GOD.
In fact, the Garden of Eden here on earth, was in Paradise, in the Spirituality of GOD.
It follows then that our earth is both spiritual and physical.
Our earth will become a heaven when man participates in Divine Nature to do the will of GOD.
Now that man does not possess Divine knowledge, he lives in the domain of Satan.
His spiritual nature is dead to the LORD GOD, that is, remains passive.
By his creation, the spirit of man is active in life with GOD only.
He has to come back to life in the spiritual first in order to be in the suitable condition to participate in Divine Nature.
This is not achieved by giving your life to Jesus, or accepting Him into your life, but by being born of water as Jesus Christ says.
Participating in Divine Nature and being born of Spirit are one and the same thing.
By the way, it is not in the Bible that you become born again if you give your life to Jesus.
Earth's spiritual boundary On the second day, the LORD GOD created an expanse to separate water below it, that is, the seas, from water above, that is, the cloud.
Genesis 1:6-8.
The topmost end of our cloud corresponds to the spiritual boundary.
The first heaven is right there about five kilometers, approximately three miles, above us.
Airplanes go through as if nothing because they are different in nature.
If one has the rare opportunity to see the heavens open, one sees a cone-like opening running through the heavens which are regularly placed, equidistant, one above the other.
Da Vinci Code The LORD GOD created Adam male and female.
Genesis 1:27.
Later, He extracted Eve out of him.
By the institution of marriage, He joined them together again to become one flesh He created.
The LORD GOD had sent men to earth who came from the pinnacle of spiritual existence.
It is not approved for such men to form one flesh, that is, engage in sexual relations with ordinary women.
The one flesh so formed would be incongruous.
The only way to resolve the incongruity would be for the higher one to fall to the lower level to form the perfect one flesh the LORD GOD created.
Those who read meaning into Da Vinci's painting, made a very serious allegation that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene had a child together.
This implies that Jesus Christ fornicated.
What a wicked, preposterous thing to say! Mary was possessed by seven evil spirits.
She definitely did not belong to the pinnacle of spiritual existence.
If the two had had sexual relations together, two things would have happened: One, before she could become aware of any pregnancy, Mary would have died for aborting GOD's plan.
Secondly, Jesus would have lost His Spiritual status and ability, besides paying the price.
In fact, He says, "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.
" John 15:10.
The implication of that statement is that the LORD GOD would not have looked the other way had Jesus sinned.
For what we know, up to the moment of His death on the cross, He communed with GOD.
The mere fact that He resurrected and ascended show clearly that He remained at the pinnacle of Spiritual existence.
Who was Da Vinci anyway, and what was his message? It is interesting that people do not argue about the existence of the Devil.
Rather, it is the existence of GOD that men dispute.
If this does not show bias and partisanship, nothing else would.
Satan has his agents among us who must deny GOD and Jesus Christ as well and denigrate them as much as possibly can.
Also, the name: Jesus, has been a veritable source of money to all sorts of people.
Interpreting Da Vinci's probably innocent painting as a code is a typical example; but it is too far-fetched.
It's all bunkum.
The Domain of Satan As this earth is presently in the domain of Satan, spirits from the spiritual world of Satan have, for various reasons, taken on human form to be able to come and live with men.
Their spiritual abilities remain unaffected as they are basically spirits.
Unlike the heavens, the worlds in the spiritual world of Satan are not ordered.
They are scattered all over the place.
Also, the spirits differ in shape and form from one world to another.
A spirit naturally has all information.
Such people, evil spirits in human bodies, are often described as psychic.
It is fairly easy and very common among men to acquire the spirituality of Satan in all its aspects, including being psychic.
Though these people have nothing to do with GOD or the kingdom of GOD, they abound in the Church system as leaders, mostly because they display spiritual power under disguise.
The astral is in the spiritual world of Satan.
Life after Death What happens to the spirit after the death of the physical body of flesh and blood? It goes to a neutral spiritual world, awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the Judgment Day.
It is called Hades.
Here, there is no social life, no activity of any form.
Every spirit stays inside his/her own chalet, painted white, and rest.
There is no fending for anything.
The LORD GOD provides their needs.
As they are spirits, they have all knowledge, including what is happening here on earth.
Beyond that information, they have no further interests.
However, the spirits of those who were too much involved with life while here in the domain of Satan, cannot remain in their chalets and rest.
Rather, they go to and fro with passion and fruitless desire to influence the activities going on here on earth.
Let us note that the spirits of those who came from the spiritual world of Satan cannot live among the spirits of the dead.
They are not of the same kind.
They are awaiting neither Jesus Christ nor the Judgment Day.
Following death in flesh and blood, such a spirit may remain in the same place but as a different person.
Or, he may go to a different place where he would not be recognized, or go back to where he came from in the first place.
Everyone is adequately rewarded on earth for the good or evil that one does.
The Way to Eternal Life The Bible passage that directly defines man's aspiration to enter into the kingdom of GOD is Genesis 3:22-23.
It says: "And the LORD GOD said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.
He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live for ever.
' So the LORD GOD banished him from the Garden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
"Had Adam eaten the fruit of the tree of life, the Spirit of GOD would have lived in him and gave him Divine knowledge respecting good and evil.
He would have been born of Spirit.
As a result of the banishment, man has to be born of water first before he can be born of Spirit.
The purpose of the banishment was to deny man the process of eternal life as he had become incapable of doing the will of GOD.
Now, if man aspires to have eternal life, he must find his way back to the tree of life in the spiritual.
This is beyond man as the banishment is permanent.
However, with Jesus Christ in you, He becomes life in your spirit body that died to the LORD GOD.
He says: "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.
" John 6:56.
Baptism unites you with Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection.
Therefore, confirming the New Covenant should precede the ritual of baptism.
Then you are born of water.
Your sins are forgiven.
You are reconciled with GOD in the spiritual.
In fact, you are on a par with the status of Adam in the Garden before he fell.
You are now presented with the second opportunity to eat the fruit of the tree of life.
Without Jesus Christ, it is impossible for man to come back to life with GOD in the spiritual.
He remains the only way to the Father.
In this regard, giving your life to Jesus is meaningless and achieves nothing.
You are not saved by your good works or obedience to the law.
The Bible says: "By observing the law no one will be justified.
" Galatians 2:16(b).
Also, the Bible says: "You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
" Galatians 5:4.
"Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
" Romans 10:4.
The Bible again says: "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
" Galatians 5:18.
In that case, you have the righteousness of GOD.
Romans 3: 21-25; Philippians 3:7-9.
The promise of GOD to save you is in the New Covenant.
Make sure you become part of it.
Next, get baptized by someone who is spiritual enough to unite you with Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection.
By the promise of GOD, your sins are forgiven.
You are then born of water.
You are born of Spirit when you eat the fruit of the tree of life.
"To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of GOD.
" Revelation 2:7.
It is a fact that the LORD GOD has not stated any other condition for man to have eternal life different than that given to Adam.
The purpose of the Mission of Jesus Christ is to make it possible for you to achieve that condition.
You may give your life to Jesus Christ; you may even accept Him into your life.
Unfortunately, all of these fall outside what the LORD GOD has prescribed for you to have eternal life.
By the way, the first birth was by Satan in the Garden of Eden.
In which direction are you headed?