Travel & Places Air Travel

How I Choose an Airline

The first aspect of airline travel that everyone thinks of is price.
I am no exception, but when several rival airlines offer a similar deal, alternative methods for deciding which brand of seat to place my posterior in for hours on end must be taken in to consideration.
I first look at the price to check a bag as my shoes must be able to travel with me.
My shoes on my feet must also be considered, and leg room is added to the equation.
Jet blue has taken the lead to me in this category.
Seat comfort? of course, it's a deciding factor.
While most airlines are decent, American airlines has not made the cut here, I would have to have osteoporosis with a dowagers hump to fit comfortably in the seats.
There is also the aspect of general aesthetics.
No one has conquered aesthetics quite like Virgin America: purple and pink lighting, pretty seats, cute names on the plane; truly a mastered art form here.
Virgin America also takes the lead in entertainment.
with movies, games, and TV at my disposal albeit some come at a price, I am guaranteed to be entertained.
100 things to watch and none of them are what I want? No problem.
I can plug in my laptop to the outlet and watch my DVD's.
Finally, an aspect that is important to all Americans: food.
I must not perish from malnutrition while crossing the continent.
Food is an odd topic.
Many airlines don't serve food, of simply a small snack.
There are still a few airlines that offer full meals at the cost of a ticket, but as I find flights by price, I have not graced such a flight since 2000.
Many offer exceptional selection including healthy options.
I find this to be the best option as I fear crossing security with the wrong edible substance.
Cottage cheese is acceptable, but yogurt isn't? Many things are considered when choosing an airline in today's tepid market, but bottom line is price.

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